Bossier City Bike Accident Attorney
Serving Shreveport, Bossier City, & Northwest Louisiana 24/7
When an individual gets behind the wheel of a car or truck or gets on their bicycle and operates on or beside public roadways, they unfortunately assume a certain amount of risk for themselves and others on the road. Even when familiar with local traffic infrastructure bicyclists in Louisiana have blindspots that motorists often do not have to contend with. For drivers who aren't paying attention, which is a larger percentage of the population than many want it to be, the sight of a bike riding nearby can surprise them and lead to serious accidents.
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, 760 cyclists tragically lost their lives in an accident with a vehicle in 2017. These bicyclists were individuals with families, friends, and, in many instances, important roles and responsibilities in their communities and workplaces.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of bicycle accident in Caddo Parish or Bossier Parish, then you have the right to take legal action against the individual who caused these damages. Contact Joseph A. Gregorio, A Professional Law Firm today to learn how our firm can be of service to you! Send us a message or call (318) 719-7515 today for your free initial case evaluation.
Common Causes of Louisiana Bike Accidents
In the unfortunate instance of a bicycle accident, if the victim had a motor vehicle insurance policy, such as a car or truck, or was a passenger in a vehicle involved in the accident, they may be covered by Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or by the vehicle’s Uninsured/Underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist policy. In this case, the cyclist could file a claim for compensation with that insurance company and receive compensation equaling the exact amount of the injuries and damages.
Note: PIP/UM policies will not cover a bicycle accident that was caused by the negligent actions of an uninsured or underinsured biker or pedestrian.
Regardless of whether the accident was a car crash caused by the negligence of the other driver or a bike failure due to a manufacturing or design defect, a bicycle accident is undoubtedly a traumatic event for its victims.
According to the American Association of Family Practitioners, head trauma is the most common cause of death from bicycle crashes, not limited to those in Louisiana. The major factors contributing to these deaths were:
- Helmet avoidance or ineffective head gear
- The speed of the crashing vehicle
- The object or the ground struck
In addition to this, the chances of suffering a traumatic brain injury or death from such an injury significantly fall for cyclists that are properly wearing an approved bicycle helmet.
Seek Qualified Legal Counsel After a Bike Accident, Louisiana
When pursuing an bicycle accident personal injury claim in Louisiana, the value of the case is greatly affected by the quality and experience of the representation as if often in any case. Once you get Joseph A. Gregorio on your personal injury team, he will take immediate action to build your case. This usually includes evidence preservation, traffic camera review/retrieval, photographs and review of crime scene area, eye-witness/pedestrian accounts, DMV reports, medical report review including seat belt injuries from car accidents and Drug/Alcohol Reports.
The initial case work goes a long way to better understand the collision dynamics and to better claim the full measure of your damages when it comes to negotiating a fair and equitable settlement for you.
Our firm has established relationships with science and medical professionals from around the country who aid in accident reconstruction which aids in impactful trial exhibits and the full measure of your damages.
Joseph A. Gregorio, A Professional Law Firm Fights for You
The amount of money you and your family are likely to receive in a settlement or jury award is greatly affected by the effectiveness and your personal injury lawyer. When your claims is taken more seriously by the adverse insurance company, they are likely to follow up their talks with you or your counsel with better settlement offers.
Your work with Joseph A. Gregorio begins with a free initial consultation. Based on the material he receives from you on first contact, Joseph A. Gregorio, A Professional Law Firm is able to make preliminary damage calculations in anticipation of the negotiations with the insurance adjuster of the adverse driver.
Contact Joseph A. Gregorio, A Professional Law Firm onlineor call (318) 719-7515 today to discuss your injury options with our Bossier City bicycle accident attorney. It’s important to act quickly since there will be an applicable time limit to move forward.